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Scientific events

Sailing from Polis to Empire: Maritime Scales in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Hellenistic Period

Du vendredi 14 au samedi 15 novembre 2014

Organised by: the University of Cyprus (Sailing in Cyprus through the centuries project)
Le Mans University, France,
in collaboration with the French Institute of Cyprus (Institut Français de Chypre), CReAAH (Centre de Recherches en Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire) and the Scientific Interest Group of Maritime History (Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique d'Histoire Maritime) Nicosia, 14-15 November 2014 University of Cyprus, Archaeological Research Unit

e-mail : emmanuelnantet@gmail.com
[pdf] Program of conference: (365,15 ko)

King’s Maritime History Seminars, 2014-15

Du mercredi 1 octobre 2014 au lundi 1 juin 2015

This seminar series is hosted by the ‘Sir Michael Howard Centre for the History of War’ and the Department of War Studies, King’s College London, and organised by the British Commission for Maritime History (www.maritimehistory.org.uk).

Meetings take place on Thursdays at 17:15 in rm K6.07, Dep’t of War Studies, KCL, Strand, WC2R 2LS (6th Floor, King’s Building), with the exception of the Proctor Memorial Lecture which takes place at Lloyd’s Register, 71 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4BS. Admission to this lecture is by ticket only, available from Barbara Jones, Information Services, at the above address or by emailing Barbara.jones@lr.org.

For further information, contact Alan James, War Studies, KCL, WC2R 2LS (alan.2.james@kcl.ac.uk) or Richard Gorski, History, University of Hull, HU6 7RX (r.c.gorski@hull.ac.uk)

e-mail : alan.2.james@kcl.ac.uk
[pdf] Program of conference: (149,59 ko)

Du mardi 1 octobre 2013 au lundi 30 juin 2014

This seminar series is hosted by the Michael Howard Centre for the History of War, King’s College London, and organised by the
British Commission for Maritime History.

For further information, contact Alan James, War Studies, KCL, WC2R 2LS (alan.2.james@kcl.ac.uk)  or Richard Gorski, History, University of Hull, HU6 7RX (r.c.gorski@hull.ac.uk)

e-mail : alan.2.james@kcl.ac.uk
[pdf] Programme_2013-14.pdf (142,40 ko)

Conference "The governance of Atlantic ports (14-21th). Policies and seaport structures"

Madrid, 13-15 juin 2013

Du lundi 13 au mercredi 15 mai 2013

Thème: Echanges, Négoce, Enconmy

The Governance of Atlantic Ports (XIV-XXI Centuries) — Policies and
Seaport Structures is the first of three scientific meetings intended to
discuss central topics emerging from plural investigations centred on
seaports. Paving this way, a research network was established, aiming to
enhance the results of multiple on-going individual research centred on
Atlantic seaports (European, African, Brazilian and Latin American).
This meeting aims to systematically analyze structural aspects that i

e-mail : stephane.michonneau@cvz.es
[pdf] 19programme.pdf (1,01 Mo)


Date limite de soumission des propositions : 1er mars 2012

Du jeudi 20 au vendredi 21 septembre 2012

Thème: Patrimoine maritime, Construction navale, Archéologie sous-marine

First of all, the aim of the conference is to identify the main periods of change in the elaboration of patterns of shipbuilding from the Antiquity to the current period, in as many geographical and cultural areas as possible. Besides, the emphasis will be laid on the boat strictly speaking, whatever its environment (river, sea, or both). By taking into account the latest archaeological research, approaches combining the perspectives of historians, historians of technology and art historians, various treatises on shipbuilding, and iconographic sources, what is at stake is the elaboration of new modes of interpreting the emergence of patterns of boats and the very way they were built. Numerous periods of shift have already been identified, focusing on major changes : the switch from a shipbuilding resting on assembling of planking by the ligature to the recourse to pins and mortises in the archaic period in Greece ; or the switch from a « longitudinal on planking » construction, to a « transverse on rib » construction in the Mediterranean of the late Antiquity and the beginning of the High Middle Ages ; or the slow evolution of the ship on the line between the 16th and 17th centuries. As far as the contemporary period is concerned, the issues of motorization and the use of metal are obviously paramount, and the questions of prefabrication and gigantic scales prevail in the second half of the 20th century.
e-mail : jean-louis.kerouanton@univ-nantes.fr
[pdf] 1Programme_construction_navale.pdf (1,62 Mo)

Sixth International Congress of Maritime History

Du mardi 3 au vendredi 6 juillet 2012

Special theme: maritime and global history

Proposals for sessions and papers must be submitted via http://www.imeha2012.ugent.be/ via paper submission.

All inquiries must be addressed to imeha2012@ugent.be

e-mail : imeha2012@ugent.be
[pdf] imeha2012.pdf (50,77 ko)

Defence sites : Heritage & Future 2012

Call for paper

Du mercredi 6 au vendredi 8 juin 2012

The conference aims to raise the knowledge
of the scale, design and functions of military, naval and air force sites. It will bring a better understanding to the issues raised by their redundancy, and the implications of different disposal processes for state owned land.

Email submission
[pdf] Defence_Sites_2012_CFP.pdf (134,88 ko)

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